Sunday 27 January 2008

vegie garden

Hi readers! Happy Australia Day to all. We're having a holiday on Monday too, it's coincidentally Auckland anniversary day. It's been fairly warm here lately, though I say that in local terms - 25-27 is about as hot as it gets. Nothing like Melbourne lately.

We finally have a decent microphone for the laptop, so we can talk clearly on Skype if you want to have a chat/video call. Search for "drjoking".

The sale process for the house here has begun, so we have had to tidy it up on the weekends and vacate for 45 minutes while people wander through. There seems to be a bit of interest so hopefully we won't have to do this for too many more weekends.

We spruced up the herb pots late last year (about November or so), planted some basil and tomato seeds. And after that I remembered to actually water it every day. So things went nuts growing quickly.

After the pots became overgrown, I replanted half of their contents to the empty patch in the garden of the house, and they took off again. Like I said, most of these were only seeds about two months ago:

And we have some little green tomatoes growing rapidly too! The biggest of these is maybe 4cm diameter now.
Hopefully they will be fully grown (and not eaten by bugs or birds) before we leave!


Anonymous said...

Happy Austraya day to you both.

What on earth are you feeding those tomatoes, most of the time its those companion plants planted with tomatoes that take off so well.


Matt King said...

Hey Rodney! Not sure what they're eating apart from Thrive and potting mix. The ones in the pot nearly died over Christmas - a week without watering didn't go down well, but they bounced back pretty well.

see you soon!