Saturday 23 February 2008

The Last Post

cue the bugle solo...

well, probably not the last post ever, but likely the last one from NZ. Only 5 more days til we fly out! It's a soggy weekend, the first time in a while. Perfect for sitting at home on the couch, watching Batman (the original campy 60's TV show) and catching up on some blogging.

Rodney was over in Auckland for work (ah the jetsetting lifestyle of a photography stylist!) and dropped by for an afternoon last weekend. Very nice to catch up with a good friend and get the latest gossip.

On Sunday Jo wasn't feeling well so I took the car up to Warkworth for cousin Tama's 5th birthday party. Lots of fun playing pass-the-parcel and pin the tail on the donkey with a bunch of youngsters, not to mention the lollies. I like lollies. Plus a fun drive there flogging the motorway overtaking lanes with an M3 up my tail. Fun.

We've parted with nearly everything we're selling. One of my work friends took the lawn mower last week after visiting for a coffee with his wife and baby. No more fridge for the next week, luckily one of Jo's colleagues has loaned us a plug-in chilly-bin (aka: esky to the Aussies) to keep the essentials cool. The washing machine is the last one standing, and that goes tomorrow (well, assuming the buyer turns up!). Noone wanted the car, so that will be coming home with us. We had ads on Trademe, Autotrader (website and magazine), and I took it to a car fair one week, but the one and only offer was about $10000 less than a reasonable one.

Meanwhile the garden continues to grow madly. The tomatoes are out of control. It's a fight between me and the caterpillars to see who eats them first. There must be at least 40 at different stages of growth, but none have ripened yet so the new owners of the house will have a feast.

Only 3 more days of work before I'm unemployed! I have one interview lined up for when we get home, and a few more people to chase, so hopefully something good can turn up soon! Paying the mortgage without an income is hard!

We're flying in to Melbourne on the 28th (evening), and will be back home in Burwood on the 29th (waiting for our stuff in storage and a new fridge to be delivered). I'm sure a welcome home function will be in order at some point, but I'll leave it to Jo to organise that one.

See you all soon!

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