Sunday 27 April 2008

12 Week scan

A couple of weeks late, but better than never.

The new arrivals!

Very exciting news. The little eating, pooping, crying machine has arrived. And we've still got another one on the way! Say hello to Usmeshka. It's a Russian word for Smile (according to Babelfish). She is otherwise known as Meshy though, which is less of a mouthful.

The other arrival also came - a bit more expensive though. After paying the import duty and GST, the BMW was released on Thursday, so one unregistered vehicle permit later, we were on the road (and Jo immediately gave it heaps onto the freeway). Still has the NZ plates on it too, so we didn't look too illegal driving out to pick up Meshy. It will be off to the workshop on Monday for compliancing.

Wednesday 16 April 2008


We had our 12 week ultrasound last week, but I haven't scanned the images yet. Will post more when I get around to it.

I spent this weekend with Tom and my parents at Tom's fishing shack in Tasmania. It's located on Little Pine Dam on the central highlands, a venue not renowned for its weather. Or scenery. If you like fishing, it's heaven. If not... well, I described it as Jo's version of hell. She thought this was a bit harsh, so to summarise:

My flight was in a small, slow, bumpy, twin-prop 50-seater,
which was delayed by 1.5 hours...
The drive there was up a very twisty road (ending in about 10km of dirt road)
When we reached the shack it was about 6 degrees outside (not including wind chill)
The loo is outside (and the cistern doesn't work). No lights of course.
Central heating? - well, the place is small enough (2 rooms) that the pot-bellied stove does quite well actually.
The beds wouldn't rate as the comfiest I've slept in.
If you don't like fishing or brisk walks, the activities calendar is pretty sparse.

By now you're probably thinking I hated it, but that would be completely wrong. Sure, it's not my usual idea of a great place to get away, but it was the first time I've seen the whole family since our wedding (and as Anne commented, it was the first time we have all been in a car at the same time). I even had a swing of a fly rod for the first time in at least 20 years, with lessons from Tom. Fun! even though the whole tally for the weekend was just 1 fish. Apparently some call this sport.