Saturday 16 June 2007

Matty gets licenced

I went and got my licence today, so I'm now officially a New Zealander, and I get a government issued pair of gumboots and the permission to keep up to two registered sheep on the premises.
Just kidding.

It's actually only one sheep. Nah, I took the test to get a NZ driver's licence, which coming from Aus is pretty straightforward - no practical driving test to do, just a theory quiz. The test form is a "scratch and win" type affair - you scratch off the box next to the right answer and reveal a tick; a wrong answer reveals a cross.

You need a minimum of 32 correct answers out of 35 - I scraped in with a score of 33. Honestly, who needs to know the minimum tread depth for tyres (that's what the wear indicators are for!), or how far overhanging the front of the car a load can be? (We don't have roof racks, so it's pretty irrelevant.) A couple of responses were an educated guess, and admittedly I hadn't looked at the Road Code website for a couple of weeks, but it was all fine in the end.

Ultimately, this means I can drive in NZ beyond the one year allowed on a foreign licence, and it also helps with insurance premiums and excesses. I'd scan and show you the goofy picture, but they post it out in the mail so it isn't in my hands yet.

Everything is pretty normal around here otherwise. The veggie garden is going berserk (particularly the lettuce, and we have a couple of little broccoli heads poking up!). I used a few herbs in the bolognese sauce tonight, should be good. The garden is doing well, the roses are coming on strong (we had to give them a pretty severe pruning when we arrived).

By the way, here's what we were in Australia for last week: to see Jo on a big TV!

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